How to save money while travelling for a longer time

April 11, 2023
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This post is all about how to save money while travelling for a longer time. Amazing for people who take a gap year or just want to travel around the world and need to save money.

how to save money while travling, ways to save momey while traveling, how to travel cheap, travel advice, travel savings plan, travel tips and tricks


We are travelling for half a year with just our savings, so for us it is the most important thing to think about. How can we save enough money to see everything that we want to see but not spend all of our money at once?


1. Hostels

If you are comfortable with sleeping in rooms with other people than staying in hostels is the perfect way to save money. Also hostems are a great way of meeting new amazing people and travelling with them.


2. House sitting

Some people let you stay in their home for free just for you to watch out for their cat or dog and walk and feed them. When they are on vacation and need someone to look out for them.


3. Workaway

For doing little stuff in the household you work for accommodation and are allowed to stay at their house and just become part of the family.


4. Worldpackers

Is a website to get great deals and even sometimes have job offers on there etc. Definitely check it out while travelling for a longer period of time!


5. Cook for yourself

When you are staying in histems then you have the opportunity to cook for yourself. Take it! That saves a lot of money in the long term.


6. Work for accommodation

Many hostels provide work for accommodation, so that you can help clean the hostel and for that get to live there for free. My top recommendation!


7. Woofing

Another website is called woofing. Similar to workaway but more with farm work etc. You can also contact possible houses or apartments to help and stay there for free.


8. Couchsurfing

If you are more adventurous than us. Maybe couchsurfing is something for you. Basically you can just sleep on someone’s couch. So you don’t pay for accomodation at all, but you are sleeping in a stranger’s apartment or house.


Have a great time save money while travelling.



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